Amish Country Gourmet food products are your first choice to compliment your recipes & entertaining needs. Quality, flavorful gourmet at affordable prices.
For the Love of Food
Visit usat the Walnut Creek Marketplace
Thurs-Sat from 9-5pmor Shop on line
Click the Shop Tab. Please note orders areshipped flat ratepriority through the US Postal Service and are subject to change.
About Us
Mom and Dad are always in the kitchen experimenting with flavors and "jazzing up" our meals.
In my house it was always okay to "play with our food".
Be creative and add a little Amish Country Gourmet to your life!
Amish Country Gourmet
Amish Country Gourmet was founded in 2001 as a small, family business in the heart of Ohio's Amish Country. We offer delicious and affordable gourmet flavors on line and also at the Walnut Creek Marketplace.
Amish Country Gourmet -your first choice for all of your recipes and entertaining needs. Quality gourmet food products to compliment your food at affordable prices.